Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Make Money In High School : Without Getting a Job

Its hard to focus on your studies and have a part time job after school. The trick is to figure out a way to make some extra cash at school, even though it isn't approved. High School's usually have vending machines, so my Middle School Hustle may not be the best idea.

Tutor Your Peers
If you excel at a particular subject you could always help your classmates out with their studies.

Design Clothes
I remember when I was in high school a group of kids started their own clothing line selling t-shirts and hoodies. One of the kids was a really talented graffiti artist and came up with his own design for the t-shirt. The other kids funded it and did the selling. The whole school was rockin' them for a while.

Give Rides Home
Some kids hate taking the bus. Offer to give them rides home for a fee.

Start a Designated Driver Service
Even though kids in high school shouldn't be drinking they do. A lot do. Press up some small business cards, give them out to your friends. They will call. You will become the most popular kid in school and make some good money.

4 Responses to “Make Money In High School : Without Getting a Job”

Anonymous said...


High school is great time to start making money in my opinion, I wish I'd of started alot earlier, the tutoring idea is a good one.

I actually think this site is pretty good, I like the clothing idea because students are always into fashion and theres alot of money in selling them cool t-shirts.

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