It is important to take control of your financial responsibilities. Instead of paying someone to invest your money, you should do it yourself. There is this great company called BetterTrades, that will help you understand how the stock market works and how to make it work for you.
There are a lot of different ways to make money in the stock market. You just have to know how. When the market is going down, you can even make money then. When I learned that I was amazed! I used to only think you can make money if the stocks go up but Better Trades showed me the strategies I needed to make money in a down market.
Whether you are an experience trader or a rookie, do not by shy because Better Trades can help you on your road to financial freedom.
You can become a successful day trader on your own from home.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Make Money In High School : Without Getting a Job
Its hard to focus on your studies and have a part time job after school. The trick is to figure out a way to make some extra cash at school, even though it isn't approved. High School's usually have vending machines, so my Middle School Hustle may not be the best idea.
Tutor Your Peers
If you excel at a particular subject you could always help your classmates out with their studies.
Design Clothes
I remember when I was in high school a group of kids started their own clothing line selling t-shirts and hoodies. One of the kids was a really talented graffiti artist and came up with his own design for the t-shirt. The other kids funded it and did the selling. The whole school was rockin' them for a while.
Give Rides Home
Some kids hate taking the bus. Offer to give them rides home for a fee.
Start a Designated Driver Service
Even though kids in high school shouldn't be drinking they do. A lot do. Press up some small business cards, give them out to your friends. They will call. You will become the most popular kid in school and make some good money.
Tutor Your Peers
If you excel at a particular subject you could always help your classmates out with their studies.
Design Clothes
I remember when I was in high school a group of kids started their own clothing line selling t-shirts and hoodies. One of the kids was a really talented graffiti artist and came up with his own design for the t-shirt. The other kids funded it and did the selling. The whole school was rockin' them for a while.
Give Rides Home
Some kids hate taking the bus. Offer to give them rides home for a fee.
Start a Designated Driver Service
Even though kids in high school shouldn't be drinking they do. A lot do. Press up some small business cards, give them out to your friends. They will call. You will become the most popular kid in school and make some good money.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Need Money? Start Your Own Website at Yahoo Domains
If you have a great idea or product and do not know how to get it to the masses. It is time to build your own website. There are a lot of advantages to having your own website. Do not worry if you have no web design experience or aren't that computer savvy.
Depending on your budget, there are many ways of getting the best website for you. If you have the money I would recommend going to an agency or a professional web designer. Find a web designer on craigslist. This way you can cut out the middle man from an agency and go straight to the designer or developer. (note: A designer and developer are two different things. )
If you have no money and need a website you may need to take matters in your own hands. Try getting a website template online and making the edits yourself.
Website Template Links:
No matter how you decide to get your website created you will need to get a domain name. You can register your domain with Yahoo for only $1.99 for the first year. Yahoo can also provide you with hosting and they have easy to use tools to help you create your own website.
Depending on your budget, there are many ways of getting the best website for you. If you have the money I would recommend going to an agency or a professional web designer. Find a web designer on craigslist. This way you can cut out the middle man from an agency and go straight to the designer or developer. (note: A designer and developer are two different things. )
If you have no money and need a website you may need to take matters in your own hands. Try getting a website template online and making the edits yourself.
Website Template Links:

Another great company that provides domain registration and website hosting is GoDaddy. GoDaddy is a personal favorite of mine. I do all my hosting and domain registration with them. They also have tools to help you build your own website. Their product is called Website Tonight®.
The million dollar idea is the hard thing to find. Creating your own website is the easy part.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
3 Ways to Make Money With MySpace
Addicted to MySpace? Are you checking your friends profiles while you should be working? Well, take advantage of your addiction and make some money with it. MySpace makes their money through advertisements. You unfortunately cannot do the same. It is against MySpace's policy but their are plenty of other ways many individuals and companies have been utilizing MySpace as a source of income.
1. Design MySpace Pages
If you are a graphic designer then you could make a good chunk of change designing different users and company's MySpace pages. One industry that demands well designed MySpace pages is the music industry. Many artists need their MySpace page to look as good as their music sounds, so they will need your help. is a company that is dedicated to making some of the nicest MySpace pages on the web.
2. Add Friends to Clients MySpace Page
MySpace helps brands and artists connect to their target audience. With MySpace you can never have too many friends. The more friends you have the better your brand or band looks to the public eye. Adding friends manually takes a long time. The trick is to download a MySpace adder bot so you will not need to add each person manually. This way you can add hundreds of add requests for multiple clients in a fraction of the time.
3. MySpace Maintenance Programs
It is important to keep your MySpace friends current with what is happening in your life. This is specially important with musicians. MySpace helps artists keep their fans up to date with their latest tour dates, interviews, videos, music and more. Well, not all artists have enough time to maintain their own pages. So you can offer a maintenance program where you will post bulletins, new music, blogs, tour dates and more for them.
1. Design MySpace Pages
If you are a graphic designer then you could make a good chunk of change designing different users and company's MySpace pages. One industry that demands well designed MySpace pages is the music industry. Many artists need their MySpace page to look as good as their music sounds, so they will need your help. is a company that is dedicated to making some of the nicest MySpace pages on the web.
2. Add Friends to Clients MySpace Page
MySpace helps brands and artists connect to their target audience. With MySpace you can never have too many friends. The more friends you have the better your brand or band looks to the public eye. Adding friends manually takes a long time. The trick is to download a MySpace adder bot so you will not need to add each person manually. This way you can add hundreds of add requests for multiple clients in a fraction of the time.
3. MySpace Maintenance Programs
It is important to keep your MySpace friends current with what is happening in your life. This is specially important with musicians. MySpace helps artists keep their fans up to date with their latest tour dates, interviews, videos, music and more. Well, not all artists have enough time to maintain their own pages. So you can offer a maintenance program where you will post bulletins, new music, blogs, tour dates and more for them.
I Need money,
I Need Money Idea,
Make Money Online,
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Start Your Own Wake Up Call Service

Love to talk on the phone? Get paid for calling people. You can offer more than just the classic morning wake up call. Phone call reminders for events, doctor's appointments, recitals, etc. I am so busy doing a lot of random things so a service like this would be great. Even a reminder to pay my bills. Email reminders just do not work for me. I never read them.
You can also offer text message reminders if your clients would prefer that over phone calls.
Just becareful not to over sleep and forget to make a wake up call!
I Need money,
I Need Money Idea
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sell Your Beats Online
The internet has helped the music industry in so many ways. There are also great sites to sell your beats. It can be hard finding the right atist to rock on your beat, but also to find someone to sell them. helps connect artists with producers, but the producers get paid by selling their beats.
If you are a producer and are looking to make some money selling your beats you should think about signing up online at
If you are a producer and are looking to make some money selling your beats you should think about signing up online at
I Need money,
selling your music